Section 2 Setup
2.1 RS-232C Setup
RS-232C is a standardized type of serial interface. The connections which are used by the AR-3000SD
are discussed below.
2.1.1 Connector and Cable
* These are already connected in inside of the AR-3000SD. (4–6 and 7–8)
* At least three lines (RXD, TXD and GND) should be connected as shown in a figure.
2.1.2 Handshaking
If the AR-3000SD's processing speed is slower than the speed at which data is transmitted from the
computer, measures must be taken to avoid data loss. Conversely, data loss will also occur if data is
transmitted from the AR-3000SD faster than the computer can process it. For these reasons, the
AR-3000SD uses “Xon/Xoff” handshaking. The external computer can control transmission from the
AR-3000SD in the same way.
The ASCII code signal name for Xon is DC1, which is 11h.
The ASCII code signal name for Xoff is DC3, which is 13h.
2.1.3 Setup Procedure
Here is the procedure for setting up the external computer and the AR-3000SD.
1) Connections with the computer
Use an RS-232C cable to connect the two devices. Refer to “2.1.4 Connections with the computer.”
2) Turn on the power for the AR-3000SD and the computer
3) Computer settings
Set the communication parameters. Refer to “2.1.5 Computer settings.”
4) AR-3000SD settings
Set the communication parameters. Refer to “2.1.6 AR-3000SD settings.”
5) Operate the AR-3000SD
Transmit data between the external computer and the AR-3000SD.
2.1.4 Connections with the Computer
1) Turn off the power of the AR-3000SD and the computer.
2) Use the appropriate cable to connect the RS-232C -compatible connector of the computer to the
RS-232C connector located on the rear panel of the AR-3000SD. Refer to “2.1.1 Connector and Cable”
for the appropriate cable to use.
AR-3000SD (Ver.1.00) Command Reference - 6