III Warnings
Installation, Use and Maintenance Manual – GAHP-A
or damaged, malfunctioning, disabling or bypassing
control and safety devices.
In case of danger, request intervention by skilled
In case of danger, switch off the electrical power and
gas supplies only if this can be done in total safety.
Do not entrust children, persons with physical, senso-
ry or mental disabilities or persons with poor knowl-
edge and experience with use of the appliance.
Gas component tightness
Before performing any operation on gas ducting
components, close the gas cock.
Upon completing any procedure, perform the tight-
ness test according to regulations in force.
Gas smell
If you smell gas:
Do not use electrical devices such as telephones,
multimeters or other equipment that may cause
sparks next to the appliance.
Shut off the gas supply by turning the cock off.
Disconnect electrical power supply by means of the
external isolation switch in the power supply electri-
cal panel.
Use a telephone away from the appliance to ask for
intervention from skilled personnel.
Ensure the flue gas ducts are tightness and compli-
ant with the regulations in force.
Upon completing any procedure, ensure compo-
nents are tightness.
Moving parts
The appliance contains moving parts.
Do not remove guards during operation, and in any
case prior to disconnecting the power supply.
Burn hazard
The appliance contains very hot parts.
Do not open the appliance and do not touch internal
components before the appliance has cooled down.
Do not touch the flue gas exhaust before it has
cooled down.
Pressure vessels
The appliance has a sealed circuit classified as pres-
sure vessel, the tightness of which is tested by the
Do not carry out any intervention on the sealed cir-
cuit or on the appliance's valves.
Water-ammonia solution
The GAHP unit uses the ammonia-water absorption
cycle. The water-ammonia solution is contained in the
sealed circuit. The solution is harmful for health if it is
ingested, inhaled or comes in contact with the skin.
In the event of coolant leak keep away and discon-
nect the power and gas supply (only if it is possible
to do so with no danger).
Request assistance from the TAC.
Electrocution hazard
Disconnect the electrical power supply before any
work/procedure on appliance components..
For electrical connections exclusively use compliant
components and according to the specifications pro-
vided by the manufacturer.
Ensure the appliance cannot be accidentally
switched back on.
Electrical safety depends on effective earthing system,
correctly connected to the appliance and installed ac-
cording to the regulations in force.
Distance from combustible or flammable materials
Do not store flammable materials (paper, solvents,
paint, etc.) in the vicinity of the appliance.
Limescale and corrosion
Depending on the chemical/physical properties of the
system water, limescale or corrosion may damage the
appliance (Paragraph 3.7 p. 22).
Check system tightness.
Avoid frequent top-ups.
Chloride concentration
The concentration of chlorides or free chlorine in the
system water must not exceed the values in Table
3.2 p. 22.
Aggressive substances in air
Halogenated hydrocarbons containing chlorine and
fluorine compounds cause corrosion. The supply/venti-
lation air of the appliance must be free from aggressive
Acid flue gas condensate
Discharge the acid condensate of combustion flue
gas, as indicated in Paragraph 3.11 p. 24, in com-
pliance with current exhaust regulations.
Switching the appliance off
Disconnecting the power supply while the appliance
is running may cause permanent damage to internal
Except in the case of danger, do not disconnect the
power supply to switch off the appliance, but always
and exclusively act through the control device pro-
vided (DDC, CCP/CCI or external request).