Ensure the equipment is protected from dust, dirt and moisture contamination. Do not subject components to excessive heat, cold
or vibration.
The radio control system may only be operated when the ambient temperature is within the stated range. Use only the
recommended battery charger or the charger supplied, and do not charge your batteries for longer than the stated period.
Check your equipment for damage at regular intervals, and replace defective components with genuine spare parts.
Do not re-use any devices which have been damaged in a crash or by water, even when they have dried out again. Send the equip
ment to the robbe Service Department for checking, or replace the parts in question. Crash or water damage can result in conce
aled defects which may lead to failure in subsequent use.
Use only those components and accessories which we specifically recommend.
Always use original robbe - Futaba connectors and spare parts. Never
make modifications of any kind to the radio control equipment.
Routine pre-flight checks
• Before switching on the receiver, ensure that the throttle control on the transmitter is at the "motor stop / idle" position.
• Always switch on the transmitter first, and then the receiver.
• Always switch off the receiver first, and only then the transmitter.
• Carry out a range check before each flying session.
• Have you selected the correct model memory?
• Check all the working systems. Ensure that the model's control surfaces deflect in the correct sense (direction) and to the stated
• Are all the mixer functions and switches set correctly?
• Are the batteries sufficiently charged?
• If you are not sure of any point - don’t fly the model!
Operating the model
• Never fly over or towards spectators or other pilots, and maintain a safe distance from them at all times.
• Never endanger people or animals.
• Never fly close to high-tension overhead cables or residential areas.
• Do not operate your model from public roads, motorways, paths and squares etc. Fly from authorised sites only.
• Never operate your equipment in stormy weather.
Never “point” the transmitter aerial straight at the model when operating it. The transmitter signal is at its weakest in this direction. It
is always best to stand with the long side of the aerial angled towards the model.
Ground-based models are usually covered by standard personal third-party insurance policies. If you wish to fly model aircraft you
will need to extend the cover of your existing policy, or take out specific insurance.
Check your insurance policy, and take out
cover if necessary.
Liability Exclusion
robbe Modellsport is unable to ensure that you observe the assembly and operating instructions, or the conditions and methods
used for installing, operating and maintaining the model components.
For this reason we accept no liability for loss, damage or costs which are due to the erroneous use and operation of our products,
or are connected with such operation in any way.
Regardless of the legal argument employed, our obligation to pay compensation is limited to the invoice value of those robbe pro
ducts directly involved in the event in which the damage occurred, unless otherwise prescribed by law. This does not apply if
the company is deemed to have unlimited liability according to statutory regulation due to deliberate or gross negligence.