The Active Configuration shows and uses the parameters used in
the most recent test. The parameters may be identical to one of the
other custom test configurations, or saved from running an Auto
Select any of the pencil/
icons to edit the configuration
parameters. In the next set of menus, users can set their custom test
parameters. The configurable trace parameters consist of launch/
receive fiber lengths, wavelength(s) assigned for testing, network
range, pulse width, pass/fail settings, IOR (index of refraction),
averaging time, and event sensitivity. If desired, the user can also
change the unit of measurement used from imperial to metric while
editing the test parameters.
User Config 1
Launch/Receive Lengths
User Config 1
Network Range
Pulse Width
User Config 1
Averaging Time
Event Sensitivity
User Config 1
Test Parameter
Summary Page
Pass/Fail Settings
Index of Refraction
User Config 1
Fig 8.2
Confirm the parameters shown on the summary page and tap the "Start Test" button to begin the test using the parameters. The
OTDR will show the progress via a percentage value. If running a dual trace, the value shown represents only the first wavelength.
Once the first wavelength has finished, the second test using the other wavelength will begin again at 0%.
Set Launch/Receive Length
Tap the textbox containing the fiber length to change it. Enter the launch length in the left box and the receive length in the right
box. Tap the "OK" button to set the length of the launch/receive fiber. If there is no launch or receive fiber used, or if the lengths are
unknown, leave the values set to "0m" so that they will not be overlooked by the OTDR.
To switch between imperial and metric units, use the lenght editing menu.
Set Wavelength
Tap the textbox on the display to open the wavelength list and choose the desired wavelength for the test. Select either a single
wavelength, or two for dual mode operation. Wavelengths are selected when they are highlighted in dark gray. If the wavelength(s)
are light gray, they are not selected for testing.
The wavelengths selections for the dual SM OTDR are 1310 nm, 1550 nm, and 1310/1550 nm. The 1310/1550nm settings
are for Dual Mode operation where the OTDR will test both wavelengths in one operation. Dual Mode is covered in section
8.9 of this guide. At least one wavelength must be selected to start the test.
Fig 8.1
User Config 1
User Config 2
User Config 3
Active Config
Test Configurations
Return to Home Screen
Select Highlighted
Configuration for Testing
Edit Configuration