Ember Installation Guide: 12890-F 06-21
Min. 900 mm
Min 245
Max 410
Max. 600 mm
Flue cowl slides
depending on wall
590 mm
Mock chimney - direct horizontal
Flueing options
Flue components
Ember adaptor (R3653)
Refer p. 30 for clearance to
combustible information for the
Ember adaptor.
Maximum length can’t be more
than 600 mm due to the heat
from the colinear flexi flues.
Mock chimney horizontal flue
kit (R3654)
For the horizontal flue terminal to comply with the
required flue clearances, and to fit under a 2.4 m eave,
maximum the fire can be installed above the floor
is 400 mm
. Check clearances before installation.
If installing the Rinnai Ember into a purpose built chimney breast or chase,
which is not open to the roof space of the building, you will need to add
cavity vents.
Heat from the fire lost through the outer skin of the appliance or the flue
system will not be able to adequately vent. This can lead to a build up of excess heat in the cavity.
In some cases the fire may overheat and the overheat safety mechanisms may operate.
Adding two vents of at least 200 cm
, one at floor level, and one at ceiling level, will allow adequate
airflow in a cavity of approximately 1.2 m wide x 2.4 m high and 0.8 m deep. With an additional
benefit that the ventilation of the cavity will return some of this heat into the room.