Ember Installation Guide: 12890-F 06-21
Step 1: Back row of stones
Place the back row of stones as shown.
Step 2: Middle row of stones
Place the middle row of stones BETWEEN the burner ports as shown.
Step 3: Front row of stones
Add the front row of stones inside the grill. A few of these will be angled slightly to cover the front of
the burner bed.
Step 4: Adding the granules and rockwool
Place, DO NOT POUR, the granules, ensuring even coverage around the burner ports (so as not to
cause blockages). You will use approx. one bag of granules for both models (a bag will be leftover).
Pinch and roll the rockwool into pea-sized balls (600 ≈ 20, 700 ≈ 30) and place in-between the
granules. These can go over the burner ports as the material is designed for the flame to penetrate
through the ceramic fibres to enhance the flame picture and produce a glow effect.
Ember 600
Ember 700
Ember 600
Ember 700
Ember 600
Ember 700