RSA3000E User Guide
Mode Setup
The Mode Setup menu is used to set parameters that are related to the working
Open the global parameter setting menu for the selected working mode under
Global CF Mode
Turns on or off the global center frequency. In any working mode, if you enable the
global center frequency mode, then the global center frequency will be set to the
center frequency of the current mode. When a different working mode is selected,
the global center frequency will be set to the center frequency of the previous
working mode, that is, the one that is before switching the working mode. If you
change the center frequency in any working mode, then the global center frequency
will change with it.
Global CF
Sets the global center frequency. It is only available when you turn on the global
center frequency.
Mode Preset
Resets the parameters of the current mode to the factory default settings.
EMC Standard (Only Available for EMI Mode)
Sets the EMC standard to "None" or "CISPR".
When "None" is selected, the filter type is set to Gauss. At this point, the filter
bandwidth is -3 dB. The instrument will switch to "CISPR" standard
automatically when "Quasi Peak", "CISPR Average" or "RMS Average" detector is
selected. The filter type is set to EMI. At this point, the filter bandwidth is -6 dB.
When "CISPR" is selected, for Meter 1, the detector is, by default, positive peak;
for Meter 2, the detector is, by default, quasi peak; for Meter 3, the detector is,
by default, CISPR average.