Chapter 5 Functions of the Front Panel of VSA
5-38 RSA3000E User Guide
Marker Y
When the marker type is set to "Fixed", you can press this key to set the Y value of
the current marker.
Note: When "Fixed" is selected for the marker mode and "Constellation" is selected
for the trace format, Marker Y is used to set the marker's in-phase component (real
part) of the Y value.
Marker Y Imag
When "Fixed" is selected for the marker mode and "I-Q" or "Constellation" is selected
for the trace format, Marker Y is used to set the marker's quadrature component
(imaginary part) of the Y value.
Couple Markers
Enables or disables the couple marker function.
When this function is enabled, moving any marker will enable other markers
(except the Fixed or Off marker) to move with it.
The fixed marker does not move along with other marker, but if the fixed marker
moves, other non-fixed markers will move with it.
Marker Table
Enables or disables the marker table.
When it is set to "On", the lower section of the split screen displays all the enabled
markers in the form of lists, as shown in the figure below. Through this table, you
can view the measurement values of multiple points.