Y Units
A 4-byte integer, indicating the unit of measurement for Y
values in the acquired data. The possible values are listed
above under X Units.
A 16-byte character array, not used
A 16-byte character array, not used
A 24-byte character array, indicating the model number and
serial number of the oscilloscope in the format:
Waveform Label
A 16-byte character array that contains the label assigned to
the waveform.
3. Waveform Data Header
A waveform may have multiple data sets. Each waveform data set has a waveform
data header. The waveform data header consists of information about the
waveform data set. The header is stored before the data set.
Table 19.4 Waveform Data Header
Header Size
A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of bytes in the
waveform data header.
Buffer Type
- A 2-byte integer, indicating the type of the waveform data
stored in the file.
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Normal 32-bit float data
- 2 = Maximum float data
- 3 = Minimum float data
- 4 = Not Used
- 5 = Not Used
- 6 = Digital unsigned 8-bit character data (for digital
Bytes Per Point
A 2-byte short integer, indicating the number of bytes per
data point.
Buffer Size
A 4-byte integer, indicating the size of the buffer required to
hold the data points.
Load a File
In the storage setting menu, click or tap the Load tab to switch to the load menu. In
this menu, you can load the local file to the instrument.
Store and Load
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HDO1000 User Guide