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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V2.2
and Comments configuration data. Select the require file and click on Open. The
Bluetooth Downloader will now transfer the configuration file to the Rigel SP-SIM.
When the transfer is complete the Rigel SP-SIM screen will display a message as
shown below.
If the transfer is not successful, check that the format of the configuration file exactly
matches that specified.
The Config file must be ASCII text and the last entry must be the [END]
8.4. Clone Data
This feature can be used to transfer or store the test sequences to/from a PC. It can be
used to configure a number of Rigel SP-SIM units with identical sequences.
Once the SP-SIM has connected to the PC, the Bluetooth icon will appear. Capture the
data using the datatransfer.exe program or Windows hyperterminal.