Recommended use
To prevent falls, do not use the Prone Stander as a
transportation device.
The Prone Stander is a Class 1 medical device. It provides the benefi ts of weight-bearing in
an upright posture, abdomen toward the main board. Adjustable supports promote proper
alignment of trunk and lower extremities. The board tilts from vertical to horizontal with a
crank. The tray provides a convenient space for a communication device or other activity,
and has a tool-free angle adjustment.
User and item dimensions
User dimensions – inches (cm)
25–48 (64–122)
44–59 (112–150)
57–72 (145–183)
Key user dimension: height
Select the appropriate Prone Stander by the user’s
overall height. Choose the model that allows for growth.
User’s weight must not exceed the maximum work ing load.
Dimensions – inches (cm)
E930 small
E940 medium
E950 large
Board length
23½ – 16 without kneeboard
60 – 41 with kneeboard
30 (76)
39 (99)
Board width (top / bottom)
12½ / 12½ (32 / 32)
11/16 (28 / 41)
14/19 (36 / 48)
Top of board to footboard
20–35 (51–89)
33–43½ (84 –110)
44–57 (112 / 145)
Height when horizontal
29½ (75)
29½ (75)
31½ (80)
Height when vertical
38½ (98)
45½ (116)
61 (155)
Distance between laterals
8–16 (20– 41)
8–16 (20– 41)
12–22 (30–56)
Base width
23 (58)
26 (66)
30 (76)
Base length
35 (89)
39½ (100)
44 (112)
Tray inside width (widest point)
22½ (57)
22½ (57)
29½ (75)
Tray inside length
17½ (44)
17½ (44)
17½ (44)
Max. working load in lbs (kg)
100 (45)
150 (68)
200 (91)