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Key for users
Use this key to determine which sections of this product manual apply to you.
Technical Users
For professionals who order and set up Rifton products.
Home Users
For care-givers who use Rifton products on a regular basis.
Maintenance Personnel
For anyone who is responsible for service or
re-ordering of Rifton products and parts.
Check your order
This product is shipped in a single carton. The carton contains:
1. Prone Stander (includes: pair of lateral support blocks, hip strap,and footboard).
2. Tray (if ordered).
3. Carton containing footboard (E950 only) and accessories for the Prone Stander.
You may not have ordered all of the available accessories, but use the following diagrams
to make sure your order is complete.
If your shipment is incomplete or in any way damaged on arrival, please call
Customer Service, 800.571.8198.