The display of the REC10CH control panel is equipped with the new “Color Bar” that rapidly informs the user about the boiler operation.
The operating states and the alarms are grouped by 4 colours:
: normal operation, the system is serving domestic hot water/heating requests or else automatic functions like, for example,
anti-legionella, antifreeze, flue cleaning, etc... Scrolling text describes the function active in that moment.
: presence of faults that could be resolved by the user that allow the product to operate even partially. An error triangle on
the display gives access to details about the fault like, for example, “call for service”, domestic hot water probe fault, etc..
: presence of lockout faults that require the intervention of the Technical Assistance Centre. An error triangle on the display
gives access to details about the fault like, for example, “stop for service”, lockout, etc..
: system is ready to meet any requests or functions, no fault detected.
If several conditions are present at the same time, the signal on the main screen corresponds to the highest priority, in the following
ascending order: Grey, Green, Yellow and Red.
The configuration MENU is organised with a multi-access level tree structure. An access level has been fixed for each submenu: USER
level, always available; TECHNICAL (psw 18)/SERVICE (psw 53) level, password protected.
Below is a summary of the MENU tree structure of the REC10CH.
Some of the information might not be available on the REC10CH depending on the access level, the status of the
machine or the system configuration.
This manual describes the operation of the boiler with the
REC10CH machine interface.
In case of installation of additional elements (heat pump, boiler,
solar, photovoltaic system, etc.) it is necessary to refer to the in-
structions contained in the “Programming Manual for the mana-
gement of hybrid systems”
Scan the QR CODE to access the Programming
Manual for managing hybrid systems
horised or inexperienced personnel, e.g. end-users,
should not attempt to access or change any of the passcode
protected parameters of the appliance.
Any such changes could render the appliance inoperable,
may cause the appliance to malfunction, and could invali-
date the appliance warranty.