D e lt a S o l
© RESOL 10306_DeltaSol_E.mon
Pump speed is controlled according to collector tempera-
ture rather than (usual) temperature difference. The aim is
to maintain constant collector temperature, adjustable with
parameter “Tcolset”.
Target temperature:
Solar/Options/Target tem.
selection “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “No”
if you select “Yes”.
Solar/adj. values/tcolset
adjustment range: 70 ... 230 °F
factory setting: 150 °F
Parallel relay:
Solar/Options/Par. Relay
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “No”
If the solar circuit pump is switched on, this relay is activated
in parallel.
In 2-collector systems which are working with 2 pumps, the
parallel relay is activated if one of the 2 pumps is activated.
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory: setting “No”
if you select “Yes”:
Solar/adj. values/CS-Byp.
adjustment range: 100 ... 500 W/m
factory setting: 200 W/m
If the irradiation exceeds the adjusted value CS-bypass, the
collector circuit is operated. It is switched off when the
irradiation has fallen below the value “CS-bypass” for at
least 2 minutes.
The collector circuit is operated with minimum pump
The CS sensor is an optional equipment and is not included
in the delivery scope.
2-collector systems:
If a loading of the tank is carried out in these systems, the
function is switched off.
Collector emergency shutdown:
Solar/adj. values/Tcolsec
adjustment range: 230 ... 390 °F
factory setting: 270 °F
hysteresis: 20 °Ra
At high collector temperatures (depending on system pres-
sure or antifreeze concentration etc.) the systems stagnates.
This means that solar loading is not possible.
If the adjusted temperature threshold “Tcolsec” is excee-
ded, the corresponding collector will no longer be used for
Backup heating suppression:
Solar/Options/AH suppress.
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “No”
if you select “Yes”:
Solar/Expert/ah suppress.
adjustment range: St 1 ... St 4
factory setting: St 1
This function is active if a previously selected solar tank
(parameter designation: “AH suppress.” in the menu solar
expert) is being loaded.
Solar loading means that tank loading is only carried out for
energy supply and not for cooling purposes etc.
Frost protection:
Solar/Options/Frost prot.
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “No”
As soon as the temperature at the collector is 40 °F, the frost
protection function operates the solar loop between the coll-
ector and the first tank in order to protect the medium in
the loading circuit against freezing or coagulation.
If the collector temperature exceeds 42 °F, this function is
switched off.
If the first tank in the system is blocked, this function is
switched off or suppressed.
The pump output uses maximum pump speed.
2-collector system:
In these systems, the circuit which fulfills the switch-on
condition described above is operated.