Beginning with system 2, different hydronic variations are
possible (pump or valve control):
system 1
system 2 variation 1
system 2 variation 2
system 6 variation 3
system 6 variation 2
system 4 variation 4
system 3 variation 2
system 3 variation 1
system 7 variation 2
system 6 variation 1
system 7 variation 1
system 5 variation 1
system 5 variation 2
system 3 variation 3
system 4 variation 1
system 4 variation 2
system 4 variation 3
For each variation, the controller allocates the corresponding
relays and sensors. The allocations of the most important
combinations are shown in 3.5. The system and the variant
have to be selected first (
If you select a new system, any previous adjust-
ments which have been done will be set back to
the factory settings (reset)!
D e lt a S o l
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