D e lt a S o l
© RESOL 10306_DeltaSol_E.mon
The heat quantity measurement calculation uses the diffe-
rence between flow and return temperature and the volume
flow transmitted by the flowmeter.
Adjustment channel for the pulse rate corresponding to the
flowmeter V40 used (see the flag on the V40 cable):
V40-06: 1 liter/pulse
V40-15: 10 liters/pulse
others: 25 liters/pulse
Heat quantity measurement with flowmeter
WMZ/WMZ 1/Expert/flowmeter
WMZ/WMZ 1/Expert/Vol./puls.
adjustment range: 0.5 ... 99.5 (liter/pulse)
factory setting: 1 (liter/pulse)
Antifreeze type
WMZ/WMZ 1/Expert/antifreeze type
selection: 0,1, 2, 3
factory setting: 1
Adjustment channel to ensure the contoller uses the correct
specific heat capcacity for the heat transfer fluid used .
0 for water
1 for propylene glycol
2 for ethylene glycol
3 for Tyfocor
Antifreeze concentration
WMZ/WMZ 1/Experte/antifreeze
adjustment range: 20 ... 70 Vol %
factory setting: 40 Vol %
Adjustment channel for the concentration water/glycol
for antifreeze types 1 and 2.
Example: 40 Vol % means: 40 % glycol and 60 % water
Heat quantity
WMZ/WMZ 1/heat
The overall heat quantity results from the sum of the values
in Btus (and in Wh, kWh and MWh).
The different values can be reset to 0. To reset, select the
desired value and answer the security prompt “Save?” with
System warning “
T too high”
T too high
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “Yes”
This message is shown, if solar loading has been carried out
for a period of 20 minutes with a differential higher than
90 °Ra.
The message function can be deactivated by selecting “No”.
System warnin
“Non-ret. valve”
Expert/non-ret. val.
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “Yes”
This message is shown if between 11.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m.
the collector temperature is higher than 110 °F or a tank is
loaded because of a high temperature difference.
The message function can be deactivated by selecting “No”.
Message relay (error message)
Expert/Message rel.
selection: “Yes”, “No”
factory setting: “No”
Activate this function by selecting “Yes”. If the controller
detects a fault, the message relay is energised (e.g. for signal
These errors are:
• Sensor defective
• Real-time-clock (RTC) defective
• Storage module (EEPROM) defective
An error message does not activate the relay.
4.4 Menu: Expert