LabRAM I Installation and User Manual
ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) Basics
Resodyn Acoustic Mixers
Rev. 072420
materials’ properties in the processing vessel change, the impedance to the system changes as
well, requiring careful control and adjustment of the system frequency in order to keep the RAM
system at resonance. This operating frequency is automatically sensed and controlled by a
proprietary system/methodology that is an integral feature of the RAM technology. The
system/methodology continuously and automatically adjusts to changes in the
mixing/processing conditions within the mixing vessel or processing container. The continuous
maintenance of the resonant operation provides both power and economy to all RAM devices.
RAM Processing Parameters
The RAM mixing platform’s intense vertical motion also generates acoustic effects within the
mixing vessel. This “sound mixing” has different effects on different materials that are being
In addition to the vessel acceleration,
, other salient factors that affect the mixing and/or
processing performance include:
pressure inside of the mixing/processing vessel (which can range from vacuum to
temperature of the vessel contents
vessel design
processed material fill height of the vessel
order of material added to the vessel for some processes.
For more information on the basics and practice of RAM technology, visit the Resodyn Acoustic
Mixers website at
, or contact Technical Support (see Section 5
How RAM Processing Scales
The processing settings used for the same material perform similar across
RAM technology
platforms, no matter the scale. This means that a finding of optimal settings on the bench scale
LabRAM I or LabRAM II mixer will be nominally equivalent to settings on the OmniRAM, RAM 5,
or RAM 55 mixers to process the same materials. As such, transitioning from discoveries made
in the laboratory to the pilot or production scale is seamless for most processes.