LabRAM I Installation and User Manual
HMI Operation
Modes of Operation
Resodyn Acoustic Mixers
Rev. 072420
HMI (Human Machine Interface) – Overview
The HMI is a digitally-controlled user interface on the LabRAM I. All data entry and operations
are provided through software keypads and buttons on the HMI screen.
This section will cover the top-level features of the HMI operation, and the details of these topics
will be described in subsequent sections.
9.1 Main Screen
The Main Screen controls the LabRAM I. Its appearance will vary depending on operating mode
(Recipe or Auto), and machine operation status. The basic sections of the Main Screen are
illustrated and described below.
Title Bar
– Displays mode and the firmware version.
Controls Pane
– Area where the user selects, starts, and stops operations in Recipe
Mode, or enters setpoints (Acceleration, Temperature, and Vacuum) in Auto Mode.
Indicators Pane
– Displays the value of measured parameters.
Recipe or Timer Status Pane
– Follows Recipe and shows Auto Mode Timer
Navigation Pane
– Buttons for screen navigation.
Status Bar
– Displays current username, machine status message, alarm status,
and date/time.
Controls Pane
Recipe or
Timer Status
Indicators Pane
Navigation Pane
Status Bar
Title Bar