R11UM0156EJ0240 Rev.2.40
Page 29 of 82
Jul. 28, 2020
PRIME v1.4 Base Node Tool
User Manual
Renesas Electronics Group Confidential
PC Tool operation procedure
Notice This is not a final specification. Some
parametric limits are Subject to change.
AppEmu data transmission
This function emulates AppEmu data transmission which is specified in PRIME certification document
“Annex III: AppEmu v5 (APPlication EMUlation)”.
Every Service N
ode is supposed to “connect” with CL Type = 250 (AppEmu) before starting to
participate in the BN-SN exchange of information.
User can choose a long cycle test and single data transmission.
SAR is not applied in this transmission.
ARQ mode follows CON.ARQ setting during AppEmu connection. (Depends on SN
AppEmu long cycle test
AppEmu cycle test overview
Figure 3.16 shows the overview of the AppEmu cycle test. It repeats step 2 to 5
(see “Annex III:
AppEmu v5)
for each one of SN’s. All SNs need to be connected with AppEmu before the cycle test
starts and the test continues indefinitely until the user manually stops.
Figure 3.16 AppEmu cycle test