User’s Manual U14481EJ3V0UM
2.5.2 Cautions
to emulation memory
(1) Number of data waits required for emulation memory access
The number of data waits required to be inserted for emulation memory access varies depending on the operating
frequency of the emulator.
4 MHz
Operating frequency
25 MHz
0 waits
25 MHz
Operating frequency
40 MHz
1 wait
40 MHz
Operating frequency
2 waits
(2) Bus sizing
Make the bus sizing 16 bits (set BSn0 of BSC register to 1).
An 8-bit bus cannot be used.
(3) WAIT pin
The number of data waits for the emulation memory is not affected by the WAIT pin.
(4) Address wait
Address waits cannot be inserted in the emulation memory.
When address waits need to be inserted, set as follows.
Number of data waits for CS
space of emulation memory
Number of address waits
for external memory or
external I/O
Number of data waits
for external memory or
external I/O
This setting is effective to make the access speed to the emulation memory equal to that of the external memory
or external I/O to measure the performance, etc.
For how to insert waits in the emulation memory, refer to
2.5.1 Wait setting for emulation memory