Description of Device
The unit is fired directly with heating oil EL or diesel. It is
intended for mobile and fully automatic deployment and
operated without an exhaust system.
A fuel container is built under the unit and it is equipped
with automatic tank heating, a high-pressure atomizing
oil burner with optical flame monitoring, a low mainte-
nance axial ventilator, a connection cable with plug, a
room thermostat socket and a fivefold filter system.
The unit is in accordance with the basic safety and
health requirements of the relevant EU – regulation and
is reliable and simple to operate.
The unit can be used e.g. in the following areas:
– for drying new buildings
– for point heating of outdoor workplaces;
– for point heating of workplaces in open, non fire-hazard
fabrication rooms and halls;
– for the temporary heating of well aerated rooms;
– for de-icing of machines, vehicles and non flammable
storage goods;
– for tempering frost-endangered parts.
Working of Device
The automatic tank heating is activated by connecting
the mains plug with a mains socket.
When the unit has been switched on or when heat is re-
quired (automatic function with room thermostat) the
supply air fan starts. The fan blows air into and along
the combustion chamber.
When the preliminary ventilation is over, the solenoid
valve opens and supplies fuel to the nozzle. The fuel,
sprayed under high pressure, is enriched by an ade-
quate quantity of oxygen according to the heating ca-
pacity and ignited by an electric spark.
Ignition is automatically terminated as soon as a perfect
flame burns and the flames are monitored by the control
IC. After a few seconds hot air is blown out.
The control IC ensures that all the operations of the unit
are carried out fully automatically and monitored safely.
In case of any troubles, or if the flame is unstable or
tends to go out, the unit is switched off by the control IC.
The fault indicator warning lamp at the back of the unit
lights up.
When the unit has been switched off via the operating
switch or the room thermostat, the supply air fan contin-
ues running for some time to cool down the combustion
chamber and then it stops automatically.
Depending on the required heat rate the function de-
scribed above is repeated automatically in the case of
an operation with thermostat.
Safety Instructions
Please make sure that the relevant local building
and fire protection codes as well as the regulations
of the employer's liability insurance associations
are observed when the units are used.
The units may be operated only by persons who
have been trained in this field.
The unit is to be installed and operated in such a
way as to ensure that the employees are not endan-
gered by waste gases and radiation heat and that no
fire can break out.
The unit may only be installed and operated in
rooms, when the air-rate fed to the unit is sufficient
for combustion.
The units may be operated only in well aerated
The permanent stay of persons in the room where
the units are installed is prohibited.
Appropriate prohibition signs are to be fitted at the
Mobile fuel reservoirs may be installed only when the
technical rules for combustible liquids are observed.
The unit is to be installed only on a non-combustible
The unit may not be installed and operated in inflam-
mable and explosive surroundings.
A safety zone of 1.5 m around the unit, as well as a
minimum distance of 3 m from the unit's blower ap-
erture is to be maintained, even in the case of non
combustible objects.
The blower aperture of the unit may not be narrowed
or equipped with hoses and conduits.
The protective air suction lattice is always to be kept
free from dirt and loose objects.
Make sure not to introduce foreign matters into the
Make sure not to expose the unit to direct water jets.
All electric cables outside the unit are to be protected
from damage (e.g. caused by animals, etc.).
Make sure always to pull the mains plug out of the
mains socket when maintenance and repairs are
carried out.
During the unit’s operation, safety devices may
neither be bridged nor blocked!
On account of the construction type, a fixed-
location device installation is not permissible!
For optimum unit operation, the device should not
be operated at an ambient temperature above 25 °C.