System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196 - 934100
MWS_55_e.indb Page 27
geändert am 26.10.2017 von DO
Manual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55
3.8 Power Supply
4-28 VDC, app. 70mA at 18VDC. 18VDC PSU with 10m ready made cable is standard equipment.
When connecting any additional sensors, please note, that the supply voltage for the additional
sensors is lead via a reverse polarity protection diode from the weather station's PSU.
Caution: Some additional sensors (LUX-sensor, Rain detector;..) need at least 9 VDC for proper
3.8.1 Power consumption
Typical power consumption of MWS 55 with fan but without additional sensors at different voltages:
Current at 4VDC : 370mA, power consumption: 1.48W
Current at 5VDC : 255mA, power consumption: 1.28W
Current at 8VDC : 145mA, power consumption: 1.16W
Current at 10VDC : 110mA, power consumption: 1.10W
Current at 12VDC : 100mA, power consumption: 1.20W
Current at 15VDC : 83mA, power consumption: 1.25W
Current at 18VDC : 70mA, power consumption: 1.26W
Current at 24VDC : 56mA, power consumption: 1.34W
Typical power consumption of MWS 10 with fan but without additional sensors and with fully
charged accu pack at different voltages:
Current at 4VDC : 240mA, power consumption: 960mW
Current at 5VDC : 183mA, power consumption: 915mW
Current at 8VDC : 118mA, power consumption: 944mW
Current at 10VDC : 96mA, power consumption: 960mW
Current at 12VDC : 82mA, power consumption: 984mW
Current at 15VDC : 71mA, power consumption: 1.02W
Current at 18VDC : 60mA, power consumption: 1.08W
Current at 24VDC : 48mA, power consumption: 1.15W
3.9 Data Format
The data format of the transmitted data looks like this:
Example of a datastring :
15:24:32, 15.09.03, TE24.62, FE43.75, TD31.32, DR940.14, WR78.91, WV80.79, WG1.20, WS4.11,
WD2.29, DB1013.32, TP11.47, WC24.62,
Each second MWS 55 transmits a data string starting with time and date. Separated by comma,
the single measured values with sensor identification come in the following order:
Temperature (TE), humidity (FE), internal temperature (TD), absolute pressure (DR), wind di-
rection (WR), prevailing wind direction (WV), wind speed (WG), wind peak (WS), average wind
(WD), barometric pressure (DB), dewpoint (TP), windchill (WC).
You may change the order of the sensors by changing the positions of the sensors in the string
(!Kxx). The commands to perform you'll find in the appendix.
By default, the data are transmitted with 9600BAUD, 8bit, no parity and a stop bit. (For evaluation
with your own software, you can set several output modi - see appendix)
The datastring ends with <CR><LF>, each datastring which is written in the internal logger in-
cludes an additional ASCII #31 in front of <CR><LF> for data-synchronisation with the software.
Each data string which is read from the logger has an ASCII #8 (TAB) in front of <CR><LF>.