BA_REFUSOL 008K-020K_V08.1_EN
Copyright REFU
This address is required for communicating with the inverter via RS485
If you change this parameter (address) and wish to save it, you must restart REFU
The new address will only be active thereafter.
Protocol polling via Ethernet:
Input 1, 2 and 3
1: USS and RTP protocol
2: Solar data systems (old SolarLog
3: MeteoControl
6.4 Portal monitoring
Activation 0 or 1
0 = Portal monitoring not activ
1 = Portal monitoring activ
For useing the portal moitoring REFU
the portal monitoring have to be set activ.
6.5 Sending Config
Activation 0 or 1
0 = no Config data in the waiting queue
1 = Config is sent.
6.6 Server IP
Display of IP adress
6.7 Server port
Display of the port number of the web server.
6.8 Portal test function
Input: “yes”
A data package is sent to the web server (portal).
There is no feedback!
Please contact the Service to learn whether the data package was sent successfully.