wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Services Included
Voice PBX
- allows smartphones to send/receive calls to others on the local area
network for free, or over the satellite link at standard satellite airtime rates. Requires a
supported satellite terminal.
SMS Messaging
- allows smartphones to send SMS messages to others on the local
area network for free, or over the satellite link at standard satellite airtime rates. Requires
a supported satellite terminal.
GPS NMEA Repeater
– allows other devices onboard/on-site to read your GPS location.
For example, a navigation program running on an iPad could be used on your boat, or
you could get weather information tailored to your location.
GSM Compatibility
- allows Internet connectivity via your GSM modem or cell phone
with your own SIM card.
File Sharing
- Network Shares allows the sharing of files among Windows and Mac
computers via Wi-Fi, without the requirement of a wired local network of computers.
Premium Services Available
The following additional services are available. Contact your RedPort dealer to purchase.
Shared Web Compression
– routes all web traffic through a proxy service that works
with an onshore server to deliver 3-5 times average web compression, along with virus
detection and ad blocking.
GPS Tracking
- Using a GPS-enabled device, submit position reports to a central
database for viewing on the tracking website.
RedPort VoIP Service
- Transform your satellite device into a multi-user unit. Up to four
users can send/receive phone calls and/or SMS (text) messages simultaneously.
Experience significant price reduction in outbound calls when using VoIP in lieu of
standard satellite airtime rates. Requires a supported satellite terminal.