wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
The router is shipped to you with several Firewall Zones configured and interfaces
assigned to them:
The “ppp” firewall zone has only the ppp interface assigned to it. This is the zone for
dialup connections. In this default configuration, only Output traffic is allowed. Input and
Forwarded traffic are rejected.
The “cap” firewall zone is reserved for Optimizer routers that have Captive Portal
available. Captive Portal is not available on the Optimizer or Optimizer Voice. If Captive
Portal to restrict Crew Internet Access is required, please see your service provider about
the Optimizer Premier.
The “lan” firewall zone has the lan interface assigned to it. This is the zone for the internal
local network. In this default configuration, only Output traffic is allowed.
The “wan” firewall zone has the wan interface assigned to it. This is the zone for satellite
connections and Wi-Fi extenders. In this default configuration, only Output traffic is