wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
How to Secure Your Router
First, confirm that the Disable anti-lock rule setting is “Unchecked” in System > System
Settings. If it is checked, you want to uncheck it to Enable the anti-lock rule. The anti-
lock rule prevents the administrator from inadvertently locking him/herself out of the
router when programming firewall rules.
Confirm that in Network > Firewall > Firewall Rules that the first rule “BLOCK WAN” is
disabled. If you Enable (check) this rule you will lock yourself OUT of the router, unless
the antilock rule is enabled (unchecked). If you lock yourself out of the router you must
perform a factory reset.
Confirm that in Services > Web Compression and Filtering > Advanced that Listen
Interfaces is set to LAN. Do not change this to WAN unless you desire proxy service
through the WAN port. If changing the default configuration to listen on the WAN then
firewall rules must be created to allow access to the proxy listen port (port 3128 by
Go to System > Router Password and change the router password for both the
“superadmin” and the “admin” access.
NOTE: The BLOCK WAN firewall rule, if enabled, will prevent access to these ports.
If Voice PBX is enabled, it is listening on all ports. You can specify the Interface to Listen
(such as LAN) in Services > Voice PBX > Settings OR, you can leave it to listening on all
interfaces and use a firewall rule to restrict traffic Network > Firewall.
NOTE: The BLOCK WAN firewall rule, if enabled, will prevent access to these ports.
If planning to access the web user interface over the WAN port then create firewall rules
with higher precedence than the BLOCK ALL rule that allow traffic from your Internet IP
address to the router.
NOTE: Ports 80, 443 and 22 are open, if not disabled.
When you have completed and tested your configuration and are confident that it is
working as desired, you can remove the Anti-Lock rule in System > System Settings.
Now you can Enable the BLOCK ALL from WAN firewall rule in Network > Firewall >
Firewall Rules.