wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Things to Know Before Getting Started
As the onboard/onsite administrator, under normal operating conditions, you will seldom
have a need to interact with the user interface of the router. However, should you find
yourself in a position that requires you to login to the router, this Guide is designed to
help you.
More Than Just A Router
The Optimizer is more than just a router. It has some enhanced proxy services in addition
to basic routing capabilities.
Proxy Server(s)
- when Transparent proxy is enabled, all traffic on port 80 (http port) is
redirected through the internal proxy server. This allows URL and DNS filtering (whitelist
and blacklist sites), some content filtering (i.e. remove flash video) and you can turn on
http logging to see what URLs are
- A full-featured firewall is included. Block or allow IP address/ranges, port
ranges, different protocols. Rules can be applied to any path in and out of the router.
Designed Use of the Optimizer
This router is suitable for two distinctly different audiences:
Single User Environment
For the single user that wants the convenience of BYOD (bring your own device) for email,
web browsing, SMS and phone calls. All that is required is a RedPort-certified
compression email account like XGate and/or compression web-browsing service like
XWeb. By adding the XGate Phone app, a smartphone can be used to place and receive
voice calls and/or SMS messages over the satellite network. With the optional RedPort
VoIP service, the costs of those voice calls can be kept to a minimum