wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Voice Calls
Voice is disabled by default but can be enabled for use with compatible satellite devices
using standard satellite airtime.
CAUTION: When you enable the Voice PBX it is listening on all ports. Without
further configuration, this could leave you vulnerable to unwanted traffic.
SMS Messaging
SMS is disabled by default but can be enabled for use with compatible satellite devices
using standard satellite airtime.
CAUTION: When you enable the SMS service it is listening on all ports. Without
further configuration, this could leave you vulnerable to unwanted traffic.
Router Security
If you modify the default settings of the firewall you may have WAN ports open.
If you enable the Voice PBX or SMS messaging, all ports are listening.
Any of these changes could leave you vulnerable to unwanted traffic. Note that ports
open to the Internet on satellite systems that have public IP addresses are vulnerable to
attackers that run dictionaries trying to guess usernames and passwords on the router.
These dictionary attacks, at best, can result in large amounts of accounted traffic; and,
at worst, they are a security breach that could endanger communications on the vessel.
Systems open to the public Internet must take special precautions to secure the router
from intrusion.
Web Proxy is not a problem, by default, unless you make changes since the software,
by default, only listens to traffic on the LAN.
CAUTION: Before you block the WAN ports, read the next chapter.
the WAN ports at this stage may lock you out of the router.
We’ve built in
some measures to help minimize that possibility, but please pay special attention
when making router configuration modifications.