wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Select the source of the GPS/NMEA information (choose only one):
GPS from broadband satellite: Click this if you are using a broadband satellite
terminal with integrated GPS.
GPS/NMEA feed from USB: Click this when connecting a GPS or NMEA
device via USB cable. NMEA Baud Rate - Using the drop down menu, Click
the baud rate required for the destination software. By default, most NMEA
183 devices (GPS) and applications use 4800 baud for this setting.
UDP Listener Port - Enter the UDP port number that the GPS is connected to. The
default is set to the standard UDP Listener Port for NMEA 183 devices of 10101.
UDP Port - Enter the UDP port number to broadcast the GPS data to. The default
is set to the standard UDP Port for NMEA 183 devices of 11101.
NOTE: Configure the destination software to match this port number; or change
this entry to match the requirements of the destination software.
TCP Port - Enter the TCP port number to broadcast the GPS data to. The default
is set to the standard TCP Port for NMEA 183 devices of 11102.
NOTE: Configure the destination software to match this port number; or change this
entry to match the requirements of the destination software.
NOTE: The data will be broadcast to both the UDP Port and the TCP Port. It is
important to make sure that these two ports are NOT set to the same port number.
To use the GPS Repeater feature, your computer must be connected to the Optimizer’s
Wi-Fi network or directly connected to the LAN port of the Optimizer.