Subscriber Modem
SU-O User Manual
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2007
Page 31 of 55
4.3.3 diagStatistics - Diagnostic Statistics
Use the Diagnostic Statistics commands to monitor specific operations for the subscriber.
The following table lists all commands available in this mode.
Table 10: CLI - diagStatistics - Diagnostic Statistics Commands
Display the current values for all statistics.
TxPowerMin: Minimum transmit power level used.
TxPowerMax: Maximum transmit power level used.
TxPowerAvg: Average transmit power level used.
DlModCodeMin: Minimum downlink coding value used.
DlModCodeMax: Maximum downlink coding value used.
DlModCodeAvg: Average downlink coding value used.
UlModCodeMin: Minimum uplink coding value used.
UlModCodeMax: Maximum uplink coding value used.
UlModCodeAvg: Average uplink coding value used.
CinrMin: Minimum measured CINR value.
CinrMax: Maximum measured CINR value.
CinrAvg: Average measured CINR value.
PhyRssiMin: Minimum measured RSSI value (physical layer).
PhyRssiMax: Maximum measured RSSI value (physical layer).
PhyRssiAvg: Average measured RSSI value (physical layer).
RfRssiMin: Minimum measured RSSI value (radio).
RfRssiMax: Maximum measured RSSI value (radio).
RfRssiAvg: Average measured RSSI value (radio).
CableCompMin: Minimum cable compensation value used.
CableCompMax: Maximum cable compensation value used.
CableCompAvg: Average cable compensation value used.
FreqOffsetMin: Minimum frequency offset used.
FreqOffsetMax: Maximum frequency offset used.
FreqOffsetAvg: Average frequency offset used.
MacResets: Number of times MAC layer has been reset.
CRCErrors: Number for CRC errors detected.
HeaderErrors: Number for packet header errors detected.
DlSdus: Number of downlink SDUs received.
DlMpdus: Number of downlink PDUs received.
UlSdus: Number of uplink SDUs sent.
UlMpdus: Number of uplink PDUs sent.
tx: Show transmit group of statistics.
dl: Show downlink group of statistics.
ul: Show uplink group of statistics.
cinr: Show CINR group of statistics.
phy: Show PHY group of statistics.
rf: Show RF group of statistics.
cable: Show Cable Compensation group of statistics.
freq: Show Frequency Offset group of statistics.
other: Show Others group of statistics.
Set all parameters to the last measured value. Can also be applied to
groups of statistics (i.e., tx group).