Installation Guidelines
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2011
of 58
May 27, 2011
Use the AN-80i Spectrum Sweep feature to determine if the selected RF channel is
free from interference. Click on
Spectrum Sweep
in the main menu and enter the
start and stop frequency range, the step size, and the number of acquisitions
(samples) for each step. Note that sample sizes >10 require a significantly long
period to complete.
The following example illustrates a spectrum sweep from 5735 - 5795 MHz, with a
step size of 2.5 MHz. The range 5780 - 5787.5 MHz would be considered to be free
from interference (-89 dB).
Figure 42: Configuration - Spectrum Sweep
A channel is considered available when free of interference for +/- one-half the
channel bandwidth from the selected channel. For example, a 20 MHz channel is
considered available when free of interf/
10 MHz from the channel
Repeat steps 3 - 5 as required for the other AN-80i units in this deployment.
This step requires sending data traffic over the wireless link while monitoring the
system statistics page for errors. If wireless errors are recorded and/or the received
signal strength (RSSI) values are not as predicted in the link budget, the antennas
may need to be re-aligned. This may also indicate an obstruction in the RF path.
Note: In systems where ATPC is disabled, higher Tx power settings may reduce the
SINADR value. If the SINADR is less than expected, re-test the link using a lower Tx
power setting.