To attach the control horns (10) to the control
rods, make sure you have two each of the
screws, rod connectors, control horns, and
Although not a requirement, it is highly
recommended to use thread locker on the nut
to keep it from coming loose due to
vibrations. Avoid getting thread lock on the
plastic as it can weaken the plastic.
Place the narrow end of the rod connector
through the second hole in the control horn as
shown. Make sure the orientation of the
control horn matches what is shown in the
Screw the nut onto the connector FIRST, then
apply a drop of the thread locker to the nut on
the side farthest away from the plastic control
horn. Dab the excess off to avoid getting
thread lock on the plastic control horn
Do the same for the other connector, making
sure it is connected to the control horn in the
same orientation. Once finished, confirm that
both control horns look as shown to the right.
Before installing the control horns and rods,
we need to make sure the two servos are
centered properly.
To do so, connect the servo cable with the
label 2 into the elevator channel (2) on the
receiver. Connect the ESC connector into the
throttle channel (3). The servo connector
labeled 4 should be connected to the rudder
channel (4).
The orange/white wire should be at the far left
of the three wires when plugged in as shown.
This is the signal wire. The red wire is 5V
power and the black is ground.
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