In a few cases, the control surfaces may be
very stiff and can cause premature servo
failure. To alleviate the problem, flex the
control surfaces back and forth gently about 5
times. This should be performed for the
rudder, elevator, and both ailerons.
The images above and to the right show the
rudder being flexed. Doing so for the rudder
and elevator before attaching them to the
fuselage will be much easier.
To flex the ailerons, open up the control rod
end and move it out of the control horn.
Before disconnecting, make note of which
hole the the rod end is connected to.
Once the control rod end has been
disconnected, flex the aileron as done before
with the rudder and elevator.
Re-attach the rod end back into the same hole
on the control rod as connected before.
© 2011/2012 Ready Made RC, LLC