Loadcell Correction
Figure 22
"Boom/Cutouts Inputs" page
Correction Span
This is the amount that the T factor can be allowed to change by after each dynamic calibration test. If this
figure is too large, floor speed correction may vary significantly, affecting the spread pattern and possibly
overloading the driveline.
Min Stat Weight
This is the amount of product that must be spread during a static test.
Dynamic Time
This is how often a DYNAMIC correction is made to the calibration.
Dynamic Weight
This is the amount of product that must be spread during each DYNAMIC correction.
Start Delay
This is the pause time at the start of each new load to allow for the product to reach the beaters before the
system starts to make any corrections. This time should be longer than the pre-start time if that function is
being used.
Steady Weight
This is the % change that is allowed each second before the system will be deemed to have an unstable
weight reading.
H’Land Delay
This is the pause time at start of each new headland turn (if the hopper has not been filled) before the system
will resume DYNAMIC corrections. This is to give the floor time to get to speed.
T Factor Delay
This is the pause time after each new DYNAMIC correction has been made before the new correction starts,
this allows the floor time to react to the new factor before starting to calculate the next correction.
T Store Mode
This defines whether MANUAL or AUTO T factor reset is being used. When the hopper has been refilled then
the T factor (ref. section 4.1.3) gets automatically reset to a higher figure to allow the floor to move at a normal
speed. In AUTO this is automatically calculated from a point in the last load.
Dyn Fill Weight
This is the amount that the hopper weight must increase by to know that it has been filled up again.
Dyn Min Weight
This is the amount at which DYNAMIC corrections will stop, eg, once you are under 1t of weight in the hopper.
T Store Auto
This is the weight at which the system will store its T Factor (ref. section 4.1.3). The system will remember its T
factor when it was at this weight and reset to this once the hopper has been filled.
Corr Span Fast
This is the amount that the T factor can be allowed to change by after each dynamic calibration test when the
weight is below the ‘Fast Empty Point’ as set in the Product Menu.
Technician Config.
Loadcell Correction