LIF200 User Manual
4 . L I F - 2 0 0 A d v a n c e d C o n f i g u r a t i o n
S e t u p
This chapter will show you how to configure the LIF-200 to function in your network and gain access to
your device through Intranet or Internet.
Operation mode
The LIF-200 supports four operational modes: TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Server and UDP Client.
These modes are listed in the drop-down menu for the „Operation Mode‟ setting. Each setup screen and
available features will differ depending on what kind of operation mode you select. The default setting is
TCP Server
TCP Server
Listen Port Number
: default
, range 0 to 65535
If your device is configured as passive (to accept commands from a remote, and data reception by the
peer needs to be guaranteed) then you can set the LIF-200 as TCP Server. Be sure that the value „Listen
Port Number‟ is set to the same value that your remote control application is using.
Connection When Remote Idle (second)
: default
, range 0 to 32768.
If you want to keep the connection between LIF-200 and your remote control application always on, then
set the value of „Close Connection When Remote Idle‟ to 0, otherwise, when the on line idle time exceeds
the setting value, the LIF-200 will terminate this connection.
For security purposes you can input an
Access Password
to protect your device. The LIF-200 will
authenticate the TCP connection with that password.
Keep Alive Check
: default
: Disable the check of the TCP connection to verify if it is still alive or not.