Owner Details
The owner details, shown when the unit is first switched on, can be entered or changed.
Download Format
The format of the data log download can be changed from protected PFD to plain text XLS.
Hidden Data Download
Even when data logging is not selected for a weld, details are still recorded but then hidden from the normal data download, and not
selected when the data is downloaded to a USB memory disk. To aid fault finding, all welds carried out including those “not logged” can be
Lifetime Weld Memory
(Optional hardware) The entire weld memory for the lifetime of the welding unit is stored in an internal SD memory card. This can be
downloaded as an archive of all welds carried out.
Purchase Date
The date the unit was sold to the customer can be set and viewed. This allows more accurate record keeping.
Warranty Period
The date the unit was first used can be viewed. This allows accurate control of the warranty period.
Clear Data Log
The data log memory can be cleared by entering a password.
Information about the welding unit can be viewed from the options menu. Select more options and then enter the password Al N F followed
by the A Quick- Key.
The serial number and part number of the unit are shown. The calibration date and calibration period are also shown. Press the A Quick-Key
and the following weld counters are shown: Total weld count, weld count at last calibration, welds done since last calibration.
During operation, the welding unit monitors all aspects of its operation. If a fault occurs then an error message will be shown.
0: Weld OK
No Fault, weld completed OK.
1: Stuck button on start up
This fault shows when the power is first switched on. Either the Stop, Start, or a keypad button is stuck in. Free the button to
clear the fault.
2: Output fault before weld start
This fault shows when the power is first switched on. The unit will check the output terminals to make sure no voltage is present
when first switched on. If this fault happens then the internal power relays have stuck in the closed position. The unit will need to
be returned for service.
3: Toroid thermal switch tripped
This fault happens when the toroidal transformer becomes too hot. This will happen if the unit is used for a long period of time on
large fittings. Let the unit cool down and the fault will clear. If this happens when the unit is cold, then there could be a bad
connection on one of the internal plugs. In this case, the unit will need to be returned for repair.
4: No calibration
This fault happens when the unit has no calibration. This will normally not show, and if the unit has been calibrated, would be
caused by a fault with the internal memory. Return the unit for service.
5: Case temperature sensor fault (if fitted)
Some units have a case temperature sensor fitted to switch the unit off if the electronics become too hot This fault will show if the
sensor is faulty. Return the unit for service.
6: Case temperature out of limits (if fitted)
Some units have a case temperature sensor fitted to switch the unit off if the electronics become too hot. This fault will show if
the temperature is too hot Let the unit cool down.