User Manual 1177.5079.02 ─ 10
This chapter provides safety related information, an overview of the user documenta-
tion and the conventions used in the documentation.
For Your Safety
The R&S NRPxxS(N) is designated for use in industrial, administrative, and laboratory
environments. Use the R&S NRPxxS(N) only for its designated purpose. Observe the
safety and usage instructions documented in the user manual, as well as operating
conditions and performance limits stated in the data sheet.
The product documentation helps you to use the R&S NRPxxS(N) safely and effi-
ciently. Keep the product documentation in a safe place and pass it on to the subse-
quent users.
Safety information is part of the product documentation. It warns you about the poten-
tial dangers and gives instructions how to prevent personal injury or damage caused
by dangerous situations. Safety information is provided as follows:
In the "Basic Safety Instructions", safety issues are grouped according to subjects.
For example, one subject is electrical safety. The "Basic Safety Instructions" are
delivered with the R&S NRPxxS(N) in different languages in print.
Throughout the documentation, safety instructions are provided when you need to
take care during setup or operation. Always read the safety instructions carefully.
Make sure to comply fully with them. Do not take risks and do not underestimate
the potential danger of small details such as a damaged power cable.
Documentation Overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S NRPxxS(N) user documentation. Unless
specified otherwise, you find the documents on the R&S NRPxxS(N) product page at:
Getting Started Manual
Introduces the R&S NRPxxS(N) and describes how to set up and start working with the
product. Includes basic operations and general information, e.g. safety instructions,
etc. A printed version is delivered with the power sensor.
User Manuals
Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides an
introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control commands
Documentation Overview