Firmware Update
User Manual 1177.5079.02 ─ 10
The "Hostname or IP Address" field is not used during this procedure. There-
fore, leave it empty.
6. Under "Firmware", enter the full path and filename of the update file, or press the
browse button next to the field. New firmware for the Rohde & Schwarz power sen-
sors generally has an
(Rohde & Schwarz update) extension.
7. Click "Update".
During the update process, a progress bar is displayed. The update sequence can
take a couple of minutes, depending on the sensor model and the size of the
selected file.
8. Check if the update was successful. The firmware version in the "Identification"
field must match the version you selected in the "Firmware" field.
You do not find the sensor in the list of sensors provided by Firmware Update for NRP
The driver assigned to the sensor is the legacy driver.
► Install a recent VISA software.
The power sensor is highlighted by a yellow exclamation mark in the Windows device
Windows tries in vain to find a USB driver for the power sensor.
► Install a recent VISA software.
Chapter 12.3, "Problems during a Firmware Update"
Updating the Firmware