Mixing engine coolant (antifreeze) types is not rec-
ommended and can result in cooling system dam-
age. If HOAT and OAT coolant are mixed in an emer-
gency, have an authorized dealer drain, flush, and
refill with OAT coolant (conforming to MS.90032) as
soon as possible.
Cooling System Pressure Cap
The cap must be fully tightened to prevent loss of
engine coolant (antifreeze), and to ensure that engine
coolant (antifreeze) will return to the radiator from the
coolant expansion bottle/recovery tank if so equipped.
The cap should be inspected and cleaned if there is any
accumulation of foreign material on the sealing
Do not open hot engine cooling system. Never add
engine coolant (antifreeze) when the engine is
overheated. Do not loosen or remove the cap to
cool an overheated engine. Heat causes pressure
to build up in the cooling system. To prevent scald-
ing or injury, do not remove the pressure cap while
the system is hot or under pressure.
Do not use a pressure cap other than the one
specified for your vehicle. Personal injury or engine
damage may result.
Disposal Of Used Coolant
Used ethylene glycol-based coolant (antifreeze) is a
regulated substance requiring proper disposal. Check
with your local authorities to determine the disposal
rules for your community. To prevent ingestion by ani-
mals or children, do not store ethylene glycol-based
coolant in open containers or allow it to remain in
puddles on the ground. If ingested by a child or pet,
seek emergency assistance immediately. Clean up any
ground spills immediately.
Checking Coolant Level — 6.4L Engine
The level of the coolant in the pressurized coolant
bottle should be between the “MIN” and “MAX” range
on the bottle when the engine is cold.
The radiator normally remains completely full, so there
is no need to remove the cap unless checking for cool-
ant freeze point or replacing engine coolant (anti-
freeze). Advise your service attendant of this. As long as
the engine operating temperature is satisfactory, the
coolant bottle need only be checked once a month.
When additional engine coolant (antifreeze) is needed
to maintain the proper level, it should be added to the
coolant bottle. Do not overfill.
Points To Remember
When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles/
kilometers of operation, you may observe vapor coming
from the front of the engine compartment. This is nor-
mally a result of moisture from rain, snow, or high
humidity accumulating on the radiator and being vapor-
ized when the thermostat opens, allowing hot engine
coolant (antifreeze) to enter the radiator.
If an examination of your engine compartment shows
no evidence of radiator or hose leaks, the vehicle may
be safely driven. The vapor will soon dissipate.
Do not overfill the coolant expansion bottle.
Check the coolant freeze point in the radiator and in
the coolant expansion bottle. If engine coolant (anti-
freeze) needs to be added, the contents of the cool-
ant expansion bottle must also be protected against
If frequent engine coolant (antifreeze) additions are
required, the cooling system should be pressure
tested for leaks.
Maintain engine coolant (antifreeze) concentration
at a minimum of 50% OAT coolant (conforming to
MS.90032) and distilled water for proper corrosion
protection of your engine which contains aluminum
Make sure that the coolant expansion bottle over-
flow hoses are not kinked or obstructed.
Keep the front of the radiator clean. If your vehicle is
equipped with air conditioning, keep the front of the
condenser clean.
Do not change the thermostat for Summer or Winter
operation. If replacement is ever necessary, install
ONLY the correct type thermostat. Other designs
may result in unsatisfactory engine coolant (anti-
freeze) performance, poor gas mileage, and
increased emissions.
The charge air cooler is positioned below the radiator
and the air conditioner condenser. Air enters the engine
through the air cleaner and passes through the turbo-
charger, where it is pressurized. This pressurized air
rapidly reaches high temperature. The air is then
directed through a hose to the charge air cooler and
through another hose to the intake manifold of the