RadioLink Electronic Limited
Make the receiver antenna and transmitter antenna parallel, keep transmitter apart from
receiver about 60 centimeters and both antennas straight, the RSSI is 0 to -30dBm is normal, the
signal is better the RSSI data is closer to 0.
Abnormal signal strength solution
Check whether the antennas of the receiver and transmitter are damaged. Most signal
strength degradation is caused by antenna damage. If it is damaged, the antenna needs to be
replaced. If there is no damage, you can test the transmitter and receiver for malfunctions by
replacing the receiver. If still cannot solve the problem, email to
to get support.
2. RC8X Basic Functions
2.1 System menu setting
In System menu, users can set date and time, desktop, system theme, backlight, sound,
battery, vibration, LED brightness, home button, external input output, and calibration for wheel,
trigger, and rotary knob.