RadioLink Electronic Limited
Neutral brake
The neutral brake function must specify a switch to turn on or off. The brake rate can be set
from 0% to 100%.
The neutral brake, which applies the brakes at the neutral position of the throttle trigger, can
be set. Confirm that the ESC is in the neutral position and the set is in the operation mode before
setting the neutral brake function switch to ON.
Brake rate: the value of neutral brake rate is 0%, 0% to 100% can be set, the rate value must
set depends on the ratio mode.
Switch: PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/Steering/Trigger can be selected to turn on or turn off the
neutral brake function. Before setting the switch, please check if the button you are ready to
select has occupied or not in the “Channel setting” menu. “NULL”: indicate that the function
is not enabled.
The ESC neutral brake function and Neutral brake function of Throttle mode can be used
simultaneously. However, when setting is difficult to understand, we recommend that only one
neutral brake function be used.
When the neutral brake function is "ON", the neutral brake rate adjustment is automatically
assigned to the throttle trim (DT1, DT2, DT3, DT4, or dial button DL1).