RadioLink Electronic Limited
Alarm interval: the interval period for alarm, if the low RSSI alarm value is less than the alarm
value you have set, it defaults alarm once every 10 seconds, the alarm interval time can be
Reset: click Reset will make the value back to the default number.
Back: click the button
or short press the power button to return to the previous menu.
1. The RSSI is 0 to 30dBm is normal when the transmitter is apart about 30 centimeters from the
receiver, the signal is better the RSSI data is closer to 0.
2. This function can not only alarm when the receiver signal is weak, but also can be used to test
whether the transmitter and the receiver device are communicating normally, the test steps as:
Receiver voltage:
the input voltage of receiver
Current voltage: the initial voltage is 0.0V. When the
receiver bind success to the RC8X, the current input
voltage of receiver will display here.
Alarm sound type: it defaults “NULL”, it means that
if the current receiver input voltage is lower than the
alarm voltage you have set, the transmitter will alarm,
sound and 20 kinds of warning can be select.
Vibration type: it defaults “Inhibit”, Mode1, Mode2,