RadioLink Electronic Limited
NONE: indicate without any sound when pressing the button, eight types of beeps can be
Audio source: indicate the type of sound, “Buzzer” and “Warning voice” can be selected.
Beep1-8: buzzer type, eight types can be selected.
Warning1-20: warning type, twenty types can be selected.
System voice: There are 55 kinds of function voice prompts by default. When the function of
the button is set to be the same as the voice function here, you can rotate the corresponding
voice broadcast prompt here. For example: After the DT1 trim key is used to control the
four-wheel steering, you can select "4wd double" here, and the transmitter will broadcast the
voice after selecting it.
Customized voice: Users can make custom prompt voice production through text-to-speech
software, and then copy the voice file to the transmitter, where they can choose their own voice.
It is also different from other transmitters. Because it is not limited to the voice package that
comes with the remote control system. Users can customize the voice files of all functions
according to their needs, especially for users in non-English language countries.
Note: The user-defined voice format needs to meet the following 4 conditions:
1. WAV format
2. Sampling rate 16KHZ or 32KHZ
3. Mono
4. Bit depth 16 bits
Stop audition: The button at the bottom of the screen is OFF, and the background color of
the select box is grey, indicating that when selecting the buzzer or warning voice, the transmitter