3.3.1 Programmable MIX
The setting of Programmable MIX of helicopter is the same with that of acrobasic. Click here or go to page 39
to check the detailed setting method.
These 7-point curves are utilized to best match the blade collective pitch to the engine RPM for consistent
load on the engine. Curves are separately adjustable for normal, idle-up 1, idle-up 2, and idle-up 3. In addition,
a separate collective pitch curve is available for throttle hold. Sample curves are displayed in the appropriate
setup types (ex: normal flight condition) for clarity.
Suggested defaults:
• Normal: Collective pitch curve that results in points 1, 4 and 7 providing .4, +5, (+8 to +10)* degrees pitch. A
throttle curve setting of 0, 25, 36, 50, 62.5, 75, 100%.
• Idle-ups 1 & 2: Idle-ups 1 and 2 are typically the same except for the gyro settings, with one being
heading-hold/AVCS and the other being normal mode. The pitch curve will likely be similar to the normal curve
• Idle-up 3: Collective pitch curves that result in points 1, 4 and 7 providing (.8 to .10), 0, (+8 to +10) degrees.
A throttle curve of 100, 75, 62.5, 50, 62.5, 75, 100 provide full throttle for inverted maneuvers.
• Throttle Hold pitch curve: Start with the normal pitch curve (for inverted autos, start from the idle-up 3 pitch
curve), but increase the last point approximately 1-2°, if available, to ensure sufficient pitch at landing.
This default recommendation assumes you are doing forward flight. If you are just learning, please follow your
instructor's guidance. Some instructors like a +1 base point for training so that the helicopter comes down
very slowly, even if your instincts pull the throttle/collective stick to the bottom in a hurry.
• Normal condition curves are editable in the BASIC menu for convenience.
• All curves may be adjusted in the ADVANCE menu.
• Automatically selected with the proper condition.
• The idle-up curves are programmed to maintain constant RPM even when the collective pitch is reduced
during flight (including inverted).
• To change which condition’s curve is being edited, cursor up to <COND> and change the curve named.
• For clarity, the name of the condition currently active (switched on in the radio) is shown in parentheses
behind name of condition whose curve is being edited. (Example: see curve displays below. Note that the
normal condition is active but the idle-up 1 condition’s curves are currently being edited.
• Moving and deleting the curve point: The curve point (-stk-) can be moved to the left or right by turning the
DIAL (up to 2% in front of the adjoining point) and deleted/returned by pressing the DIAL for one second
• Idle-ups and throttle hold pitch curves may be edited even before the conditions have been made active.
Activating their throttle curves activates these conditions.