Set Default Real-time Display
Programs the channels initially displayed on the left and right windows when the dash is powered up
and enters Real-time display mode.
Before entering SETUP Mode 1, drive the vehicle over 5 MPH to enter Real-time Display mode.
Continue entering short presses on the left key until the desired default channel is displayed in the left
window. Next, continue entering short presses on the right key until the desired default channel is
displayed in the right window.
Now that both windows are displaying the desired default channels, enter Setup Mode1, again. Continue
to enter a short key press on the left button until the above setup parameter is displayed. Now enter a
short press on the right key until the letter Y is displayed on the right digit. Enter a short press on the
left key to programs the default real-time displays and exit SETUP Mode 1. See the following Section
for complete instructions on using Real-time Display Mode.