Advanced Features of the Datalink Software
Channel Grid Display
Multiple channels from multiple files may be graphed at the same time, in the Main Graph area.
However, the scaling of the Main Graph area can only reflect one channel. To change the Main Graph
scaling to reflect the values of other graphed channels:
Place the mouse cursor over the Channel Grid Display, located above the Main Graph area.
Left click the mouse button. This action will change the Main Graph scaling to reflect the values of the
channel shown in the Channel Grid Display. Continue left clicking to toggle through all graphed
channels. The TAB key on the keyboard will also perform the same function.
Average / Minimum / Maximum Channel Values
The Channel Grid Display will automatically display the min / max / avg of a channel, over the course
of one lap.
To determine the average of a channel between two points other than start / finish:
Move the graph cursor to the desired starting point and press the [ key on the keyboard. A vertical bar
will be displayed on the graph.
Move the graph cursor to the desired ending point and press the ] key on the keyboard. A second
vertical bar will be displayed on the graph.
To view the average values of other graphed channels simply press the Tab key or move the mouse
cursor over the Channel Grid Button and click the left mouse button as described above. If no additional
channels are graphed, no additional values will be displayed.
To remove the averaging cursors from the display simply press the [ key and then the ] key without
moving the graph cursor. The Averaging cursors will be removed.