Delta (Difference or Slip) Math Channels
By using the G2X_Config file found in Version 2.7b or greater of the DatalinkII software, the user may
now access the following pre-defined math channels:
Each channel provides a graphical representation of the difference between two channels. These
channels are often referred to as Slip or Difference channels. The DatalinkII software defines this type
of math channel as a Delta channel. The user can utilize these channels either through downloading data
using the updated G2X_Config file as indicated above or by copying and pasting the Delta channels into
existing data files.
To utilize the difference channels by downloading data through the updated G2X_Config file:
Open single or multiple Runfiles that contain the Delta channels.
Open at least two Lapfiles.
Select a Reference and Main lap file as outlined in the G2X Instruction Manual.
For this example, graph the MPH_Difference Delta channel for both the Reference and Main lap
When using Delta channels, the graph for
the Reference lap file will appear as a
straight line. This straight line is
considered zero and provides a reference
point for the Main lap data. In this
example, the Reference lap file data will
appear as a straight line, while the Main
lap file data will graphically move above
and below the Reference zero line.
This up and down graphical movement represents the GPS MPH difference between the two selected
laps. Any data above the zero line indicates a greater Main lap speed in comparison to the Reference lap,
while graphed data below the zero line indicates less Main lap speed in comparison to the Reference lap.
It may be necessary to adjust the minimum and maximum scaling settings for the Delta channels
according to the users needs.
Date: June 13, 2006
Application: DatalinkII Version 2.7b