Bring to front button
Send to back button
Elements can also be ordered by right clicking on the element(s) and selecting from the '
' menu.
Right click Arrange options
Element Location
Along with being able to manually drag an element using the mouse, the location of an element can also be modified by
either selecting the '
' text box and typing in a new location in the format x,y and pressing enter to accept the
changes, by double clicking on either side of the comma to select either x or y component and manually entering text or
using the up/down arrows, or by expanding the control to show a wheel that allows for faster positioning. This fine tuning
is particularly useful when you are looking to align elements.
Note: If snap to grid is on and the user manually enters the new location, the location will snap to the nearest value
below the entered value that aligns to the grid. For example a grid spacing of 20 will snap to 0 for any value below 20, it