The Sequencer
Another useful feature of the drumgrid is that you can set another resolution of the notes while en-
tering them. Hold down the SHIFT-key and select the desired resolution with the PAGE/BANK-key.
The following resolutions are available:
8th of a note:
lowest resolution. The bar only goes up to Number-key 8.
12th of a note:
This resolution is also called a triplet. This means that a bar is divided into
12 steps.
16th of a note
This is the standard setting when opening the drumgrid. The bar is divided
into 16 steps.
24th of a note
This is another form of triplets. The bar now contains 24 steps.
32nd of a note
This is the highest resolution. A bar contains 32 steps. In this resolution the
keys 1 to 16 only represent half a beat.
It is best to experience the different note resolutions by trying them out. For a bass drum a low reso-
lution will certainly be sufficient. For snare-rolls or driving hihats a resolution of 32 would be appro-
Triplets can be combined with any other resolution in the same motif, i.e you can have a resolution
of 8 for the bass drum and at the same time a resolution of 24 for the hihat.
Once you have completed the beat for one instrument in the percussion set just press another key
on the keyboard to get to the next instrument of the selected percussion set. Once you have finished
recording all the necessary instruments of the percussion set you exit the drumgrid by pressing the
EXIT-key. Now you can select another track with the Part-keys.
In the HIHAT-section there is an option available you should take notice of:
The drumgrid in the HIHAT section gives you the choice between closed HIHAT (closed HH) and
open HIHAT (open HH). Turn the VALUE/TEMPO-dial to choose between these two options. The
change will be displayed.
After completing your drumgrid recording using the EXIT-key, select (if you haven't already
done so), your desired drum and bass sounds. Press the WRITE-key to store the pattern including the
sound number for each track in the WRITE-menu.
What the drumgrid is for drum and percussion parts the step-sequencer is for the synthesizer parts.
When you are on page 4 of the Edit-pattern-menu and you have selected the synth-1track with the
respective Part-key the following will read on the display:
The step sequencer of the Sirius functions much the same way as the old analogue units which came
out in the early Eighties. As it was with these antique units, experimenting with the step-sequencer of
the Sirius will keep on surprising you.
Your motto when using the step sequencer should therefore be joy in experimentation. Don't neces-
sarily try to understand exactly what you are doing at the time.
Just let yourself be surprised by the results. For predictable melodies you still have the Realtime re-
cording mode.
The Step Sequencer for the Synthesiser-Parts:
Edit P09 T:Synt1
<4> [stepRecord]