The Sirius and MIDI
Basic settings for Data-Dumps to Cubase:
First you should start a new Cubase-file. Create a new track and choose the setting "Any" or "OM" for
the channel. If your Cubase is set the way it is in our diagram, you are primed for Data-Dump.
A Data-Dump of the Sirius consists of so-called system-exclusive MIDI-data. It is therefore vital for an
error-free Data-Dump that Cubase is in a position to take on such data. You will have to click the en-
try 'MIDI-filter' to be found in the Cubase-menu "Options". The following window will open:
Now click with your mouse into the circled in area
on the left-hand side. When the tick has disap-
peared you can close the window again by clicking
OK. Cubase is now ready to receive a Data-Dump.
Now press the WRITE-key of the Sirius to open the Write-menu. With the PAGE/BANK-keys select
the type of data-Dump you wish to perform, eg. the Sound-Dump:
<9> Send Sounds?
When you click on
this tick it will
disappear. The
SysEx data-filter is
then turned off.